投稿 2021.5.28
$ heroku plugins:install heroku-accounts
$ heroku accounts:add [アカウント名]
▸ Your account has MFA enabled; API requests using basic authentication with email and password
▸ are not supported. Please generate an authorization token for API access.
$ heroku authorizations:create
Creating OAuth Authorization... done
Client: <none>
ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Description: Long-lived user authorization
Scope: global
Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Updated at: Thu May 13 2021 10:45:56 GMT+0900 (GMT+09:00) (less than a minute ago)
$ heroku accounts:add [アカウント名]
Enter your Heroku credentials:
Email: [メールアドレス]
Password: [上記で発行したToken]
$ heroku accounts
$ heroku accounts:set [アカウント名]
$ accounts:current
$ heroku accounts:remove [アカウント名]